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Upgrading the Microsoft 365 Groups and Teams Membership Report Script


Moving the Microsoft 365 Groups Report Script from Azure AD to the Graph SDK

Two years ago, I wrote a script to report the membership of Microsoft 365 groups and teams. The script processes user accounts to find accounts they are members of and generates detailed and summary reports.

As it turned out, I ended up writing two versions of the script: one using standard PowerShell cmdlets from the Exchange Online PowerShell and Azure AD modules, the other using Graph API requests. The Graph version is faster but some people don’t like Graph-based scripts because of the requirement to register an Azure AD app, consent to permissions, and so on.

Time and technology march on and it’s time to review any script that uses the Azure AD module because of its imminent deprecation in June 2023. Imminent sounds like a strange word to use about something that will happen in five and a half months but time slips away and there’s always something different to be done. I had the time and was already committed to upgrading the script to report “stale” guest accounts, so it seemed like a good idea to plunge into the code and replace the Azure AD and Exchange Online cmdlets with the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK.

Scripts to Process Azure AD Accounts and Groups

I’ve come to the view that it’s now best to use the SDK for anything to do with Azure AD accounts and groups. Because the Exchange Online management module contains cmdlets that operate against Microsoft 365 groups, I could have used those cmdlets in the script, but it’s easier when a script uses just the one module.

The two versions of the scripts are available from GitHub:

Changes to Upgrade to the SDK

Among the changes made to upgrade the script were:

The code generates the same reports as before (HTML report  – Figure 1 – and two CSV files). All the change is in the plumbing. Nothing is different above water.

Figure 1: HTML version of the Microsoft 365 Groups and Teams report

Unpredictable Upgrade Effort

It’s hard to estimate how long it will take to upgrade a script to use the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK. Factors include:

One thing’s for sure. The sooner an organization starts to inventory and upgrade its scripts, the sooner the work will be done and the less likely the effort will run into a time crunch when Microsoft deprecates the Azure AD and MSOL modules. Deprecation doesn’t mean that cmdlets necessarily stop working (some will, like the license management cmdlets). Support ceases and no further development of the deprecated modules happen, and that’s not a state you want for operational scripts. Time’s ebbing away…

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